For a long time, there was a gray area under the Americans with Disabilities Act, the Pregnancy Discrimination Act, and relevant case law when it came to accommodating pregnancy in the workplace. Under the current laws, discriminating against employees for being pregnant is illegal, but the current law’s protections do
Pregnancy discrimination
Is Pregnancy Protected Under the Americans with Disabilities Act?
By Harjeen on
There is a general understanding that the law affords certain protections for pregnant people in the workplace. Most notably, the Pregnancy Discrimination Act prohibits discrimination in the workplace on the basis of pregnancy, childbirth, or related medical conditions. The Pregnancy Discrimination Act was passed in 1978 as an amendment to Title…
Pregnancy discrimination can occur when the employee is terminated three months after the birth as long as there is some relation to the termination and pregnancy.
By Gregory A. Placzek on
Posted in Pregnancy discrimination
“Chapter 21 prohibits employers from discriminating against employees “on the basis of pregnancy, childbirth, or a related medical condition.” Tex. Lab.Code Ann. § 21.106(a). Women who were pregnant at, or very near the time of, an adverse employment action are members of the protected class, as are women who were on maternity leave, or who…