We represent employees throughout the state of Texas, and we are here to help. The best way to protect your rights is to know and understand them. To schedule an initial consultation, you may book online to schedule a meeting with one or our employment attorneys in Austin or Houston or contact one of our offices by telephone.
We usually prefer face-to-face meetings with one of our attorneys. However, due to the health risks presented by the COVID-19 Pandemic, our physical offices are closed to the public to allow us to continue to serve and protect our clients. In response to changed working conditions, we are continuing to work remotely and conduct consultations by phone or videoconference.
1011 San Jacinto Boulevard, Suite 401
Austin, Texas 78701
Phone: (512) 271-5527
Fax: (512) 287-3084
1651 Richmond Avenue
Houston, Texas 77006
Phone: (713) 337-1333
Fax: (713) 337-1334