Photo of Paige Melendez
Paige Melendez
Houston Employment Trial Lawyer Paige Melendez

Service animals are an essential component of the lives of many individuals with disabilities, providing significant assistance that enables them to navigate daily activities with greater independence and safety. Under various legal frameworks, including the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) in the United States, service animals are recognized as

Paige Melendez
Houston Employment Trial Lawyer Paige Melendez

In the legal realm, there are various procedures and outcomes that can unfold during the course of a case. One such outcome, is a default judgment. When one party fails to respond or participate in legal proceedings, it can trigger a series of events leading to a default judgment.

Paige Melendez
Houston Employment Trial Lawyer Paige Melendez

It’s a new year and that comes with new laws going into effect in Texas. Of particular note, is the law that Governor Abbott signed in November 2023 expanding a prior law that prohibited state and local government in Texas from imposing vaccine mandates. In a third Special Session

Paige Melendez
Dallas Employment Lawyer Paige Melendez

Sometimes the holidays are filled with holiday cheer, but then other times they are filled with the gnawing anxiety over empty pockets. This is a common issue and thankfully, a lot of stores have seasonal work that allows the opportunity to make some money heading into and during the holiday

Paige Melendez
Dallas Employment Lawyer Paige Melendez

When a company files for bankruptcy, the media plasters photos of their “going out of business” signs and empty storefronts to announce that the company could be no more. What is not shown is the complex, often long process of actually filing for bankruptcy. Filing for bankruptcy also comes in

Paige Melendez
Dallas Employment Lawyer Paige Melendez

There are certain skills that as we go through life we must obtain. One of those of those skills is knowing when enough is enough and it’s time to walk away. And it is a skill to be able to recognize that and act on the recognition. This skill is

Paige Melendez
Dallas Employment Lawyer Paige Melendez

April 20th or “Four Twenty” just passed and whether you chose to celebrate by engaging in marijuana use (within the confines of state and federal guidelines) or you used the day to engage in civic discourse regarding the legalization of marijuana, the true question is: what happens on Four Twenty-One.

Paige Melendez
Dallas Employment Lawyer Paige Melendez

For a long time, there was a gray area under the Americans with Disabilities Act, the Pregnancy Discrimination Act, and relevant case law when it came to accommodating pregnancy in the workplace. Under the current laws, discriminating against employees for being pregnant is illegal, but the current law’s protections do