Harjeen Zibari
Dallas Employment Trial Lawyer Harjeen Zibari

A great deal of our practice involves interfacing with federal agencies, but they’re not all the same. The National Labor Relations Board (NLRB), the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), and the Department of Labor (DOL) are three distinct federal agencies in the United States, each with different responsibilities related

Harjeen Zibari
Dallas Employment Trail Lawyer Harjeen Zibari

After signing a severance agreement, employees are understandably eager to be paid the funds they are owed. That’s why many employees are often frustrated to hear that they will not be paid immediately signing a severance. For workers over 40, there’s a very specific legal reason for this.


Harjeen Zibari
Dallas Employment Trail Lawyer Harjeen Zibari

Employment is a really unique area of law. In Texas and federally, you cannot go straight to filing a lawsuit against your employer after they have violated your rights. This is how employment law seriously differs from, say, personal injury, where you could file a lawsuit pretty immediately.


Harjeen Zibari Trial Attorney

In lots of ways, Googling legal terms can be like Googling medical terms. You might get an amalgamation of concepts that might not make a whole lot of sense when put together. Therefore, there’s lots of information out there that isn’t legally inaccurate, but needs to be explained by an attorney

Harjeen Zibari Trial Attorney

The Writers Guild of America is currently on strike, marking the first strike of its kind since 2007. However, television and media, along with the way it is consumed, has changed drastically since that time. It wasn’t until around 2010 that streaming services like Netflix became commonplace in our households, which

Harjeen Zibari Trial Attorney

There is a general understanding that the law affords certain protections for pregnant people in the workplace. Most notably, the Pregnancy Discrimination Act prohibits discrimination in the workplace on the basis of pregnancy, childbirth, or related medical conditions. The Pregnancy Discrimination Act was passed in 1978 as an amendment to Title