Cameron Hansen
Austin/Houston Employment Trial Lawyer Cameron Hansen

As a plaintiff’s employment attorney, I have seen firsthand the frustrating
impact that non-compete agreements can have on employees. These
agreements often place significant restrictions on employees’ ability to
move freely in their careers and can limit their opportunities for growth
and advancement. The Federal Trade Commission’s (FTC) recent

Paige Melendez
Houston Employment Trial Lawyer Paige Melendez

It’s a new year and that comes with new laws going into effect in Texas. Of particular note, is the law that Governor Abbott signed in November 2023 expanding a prior law that prohibited state and local government in Texas from imposing vaccine mandates. In a third Special Session

Paige Melendez
Dallas Employment Lawyer Paige Melendez

April 20th or “Four Twenty” just passed and whether you chose to celebrate by engaging in marijuana use (within the confines of state and federal guidelines) or you used the day to engage in civic discourse regarding the legalization of marijuana, the true question is: what happens on Four Twenty-One.

Kalandra Wheeler
Texas Employment Lawyer Kalandra Wheeler

As most employment lawyers in Texas will tell you, we have the doctrine of at-will employment. At-will employment means that employees have very few protections in the workplace. At-will employment means that even after a 20-year career with a company, if new management comes in and decides to “shake things

Harjeen Zibari Trial Attorney

The Writers Guild of America is currently on strike, marking the first strike of its kind since 2007. However, television and media, along with the way it is consumed, has changed drastically since that time. It wasn’t until around 2010 that streaming services like Netflix became commonplace in our households, which