As a plaintiff’s employment attorney, I have seen firsthand the frustrating
impact that non-compete agreements can have on employees. These
agreements often place significant restrictions on employees’ ability to
move freely in their careers and can limit their opportunities for growth
and advancement. The Federal Trade Commission’s (FTC) recent
New Year, New Laws
It’s a new year and that comes with new laws going into effect in Texas. Of particular note, is the law that Governor Abbott signed in November 2023 expanding a prior law that prohibited state and local government in Texas from imposing vaccine mandates. In a third Special Session…
A Day in Court: The Current State of Arbitration Agreements
You are in the midst of the job hunt. Each day is filled with interviews and tedious applications that only find their way to a black box, which seems to only produce either silence or a carefully, but politely, worded emails thanking you for your application and perhaps informing…
Is What’s Mine Actually Theirs?: Explaining Employee Work Product
When you leave a job, there are some obvious things you take with you: your mug in the break room, your family photos on your desk, your good pens that you bought from home that everyone likes to steal. There are some things you usually need to leave: your company computer…
Wanting vs. Needing: Figuring Out Retaliation Claims
X, a dedicated and hard worker, asks her boss for a raise. X, on more than one occasion, has boasted of never taking paid time off, of working overtime, and of winning several accolades. X, for all intents and purposes, has earned this. X confidently…
Job Hopping: A Quick Phenomenon, or a Change in the Job Market Tide?
You might have read news articles or watched TikToks about “job hopping” — a term used to describe the practice of switching jobs often. This is arguably currently most present in the tech industry and is now being described by many as an advantageous tactic. Folks report …
Can Your Employer Fire You For Moonlighting
With the increase of remote work and tech jobs in Texas, moonlighting appears to be on the rise. This naturally leads to the question: can my employer fire me for moonlighting? There is no simple bright line rule. Instead, it requires knowing what your company’s rules …
Find an attorney you trust. Then, listen.
When employees look for an employment attorney, they are looking for someone to advise them on the law as it relates to an employment matter. The ultimate goal and hope is for the employee to find and choose an attorney that they trust to counsel them…
Consult with an Attorney Before Deciding Whether to Fight or Walk Away
When it comes to employment in the state of Texas, it is governed by the doctrine of at-will employment. This means that for many employment disputes, employees will have no recourse. There are occasions when businesses hire or promote bad employees into supervisory or management positions.
Ending the Toxic (Employment) Relationship
It’s great when you love your career, job, boss, and coworkers. But, how do you handle the toxic employment relationship?
Usually, with at-will employment, the exit is as simple as giving notice, shaking hands and saying goodbye. With at-will employment, employees have the right to end…